Yue Yin for WL School Board
Me, Family, & My Community Services
In 2013, our first child, Jiu Jiu, was a kindergarten at Cumberland Elementary, now WLES. ​
In 2024, Jiu Jiu is a junior and Jiuru is a freshman in WLHS, and Jiuluo is a 6th grader in WLIS.



My husband, Qiang, and I moved to West Lafayette in 2008 when our son, Jiu Jiu, was 3 months old. Our two daughters were born here later, and all of them have been raised here. We chose to make West Lafayette our home because it is a safe, friendly, vibrant, and culturally diverse college town—ideal for raising a family.
Jiu Jiu is now 16 years old, Jiuru 14, and Jiuluo 11. All of them have attended West Lafayette schools since kindergarten. Currently, Jiu Jiu and Jiuru are in West Lafayette High School, and Jiuluo is in West Lafayette Intermediate School. They love their schoolwork and enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities, such as arts, cross country, tennis, robotics, math competitions, orchestra, and debate.
Qiang's parents live with us. They enjoy gardening, traveling, and spending time with friends in the neighborhood.
We have a cat, Athena, who loves to sleep, investigate every corner, and watch birds and squirrels. She is everyone's favorite baby. :) Jiuluo even painted a portrait of her.
2005 Ph.D. in Science Education, Stanford University
2003 MA in Psychology, Stanford University
2000 MA in Education Management, Peking University
1997 BS in Chemistry, Peking University
2021~Present, Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago
2013~2021, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago
2008~2013, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Illinois Chicago
2005~2008 Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Local Community Services

​The following are the local community services I have done over the past four years.
Board Member on Public Schools Foundation of Tippecanoe County
Chinese Community Organizer
West Lafayette Community Committee Member
De-trash Wabash Volunteer
Greater Lafayette Area Special Services Board Member
Robotics Team Co-coach
Teacher Discussion Group Board Representative
Vice President of Public Relationships for Toastmasters at Purdue
Volunteer for Vote Yes Campaign for Referendum
Volunteer Speaker to Oppose Transient Housing in West Lafayette School District
West Lafayette Park and Recreation Board​
West Lafayette School Board